acoustic analysis

acoustic analysis
акустический анализ

Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "acoustic analysis" в других словарях:

  • Acoustic phonetics — is a subfield of phonetics which deals with acoustic aspects of speech sounds. Acoustic phonetics investigates properties like the mean squared amplitude of a waveform, its duration, its fundamental frequency, or other properties of its frequency …   Wikipedia

  • Acoustic theory — is the field relating to mathematical description of sound waves. It is derived from fluid dynamics. See acoustics for the engineering approach.The propagation of sound waves in a fluid (such as air) can be modeled by an equation of motion… …   Wikipedia

  • Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) Imaging — uses acoustic radiation force to generate images of the mechanical properties of soft tissue. How it worksAcoustic radiation force is a phenomenon associated with the propagation of acoustic waves in attenuating media. Attenuation includes both… …   Wikipedia

  • Acoustic location — is the art and science of using sound to determine the distance and direction of something. Location can be done actively or passively, and can take place in gases (such as the atmosphere), liquids (such as water), and in solids (such as in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Acoustic cryptanalysis — is a side channel attack which exploits sounds, audible or not, produced during a computation or input output operation by computer workstations, impact printers, or electromechanical cipher machines. History Victor Marchetti and John Marks… …   Wikipedia

  • Acoustic rheometer — employes piezo electric crystal that can easily launch a successive wave of extensions and contractions into the fluid. It applies an oscillating extensional stress to the system. System response can be interpreted in terms of extensional… …   Wikipedia

  • Acoustic microscopy — Introduction = Acoustic microscopes employ very high or ultra high frequency ultrasound. These microscopes operate nondestructively and penetrate most solid materials to make visible images of internal features, including defects such as cracks,… …   Wikipedia

  • Acoustic scale — For the concept of scale in acoustics, see Acoustics and Scale (ratio). Acoustic scale on C  Play …   Wikipedia

  • Acoustic landmarks and distinctive features — Kenneth N. Stevens and his colleagues at MIT proposed a model of speech perception that is called acoustic landmarks and distinctive features .In this model, the incoming acoustic signal is believed to be first processed to determine the so alled …   Wikipedia

  • Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler — Head of an ADCP with the four transducers ADCP view ahead, mo …   Wikipedia

  • acoustic privacy — (uh.KOO.stik PRY.vuh.see) n. A state or condition in which external sounds are reduced or eliminated. Example Citation: A recent study conducted by Bosti Associates, a workplace analysis firm based in Buffalo, N.Y., suggests that despite all the… …   New words

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